Structured and efficient to your business of tomorrow.
Business Development for Corporates, SMEs & Start Ups - thought from the market to the market.

Successful business models, products and services come from the market. And reveal their impact there.


That's why we provide the know-how to identify market potential and think all the way back to the market itself. All from one hand.


Suitable for business modelling, business unit and venture building, product development and marketing, entry into new markets and customer segments, and scale ups.


Discover new growth opportunities and develop business ideas and alternative revenue streams with them.

VENTURING FRAMEWORK: Strategy, Structure & Mindset

Is your business ready for "Moon and Mars projects"?


We help you to establish agile customer-centric and cross-functional innovation management - from strategy through structure to the right mindset. The goal: agile teams that identify new opportunities and generate ideas that go beyond pure product improvements. And take the company beyond the Moon to the Mars. Quite literally.



Define your long-term innovation strategy with us. We will discuss future development and research areas, define budgets, responsibilities, KPIs and clear valuation criteria for new business opportunities. That's how you can deploy your resources in a goal-oriented way and make the right decisions in no time.



Provide the environment and methodology to encourage creativity and the generation of new ideas. We bring the brightest minds in your company together to form a cross-functional team and establish innovation processes that also perform alongside day-to-day business. Smart methods, best practice and the right triggers included.



Let's work together on establishing a culture of innovation across all departments and hierarchical levels. In customized intrapreneurship programs, we promote commitment and motivation, build up know-how in a goal-oriented manner and pass on our practical experience as entrepreneurs and venture builders.

OPPORTUNITY RADAR: Trend, Consumer & Start Up Screening

Market, consumers and innovative start-ups as a starting point for your future business.



It's worth looking out of the box. Especially as so much is happening there right now: from constantly evolving markets and technology trends, to new generations of consumers as well as start-ups that are disrupting entire industries with their innovative concepts.


We will help you - regardless of your core business - to keep an eye on market opportunities and need-gaps, to validate and interpret them. From there, we can rethink your services & products, find opportunities for new business concepts and conquer new markets. Everything concisely formulated and assessed within a big picture of options. As a service and as a starting point for discussions across all hierarchy levels.



In your market and your core business, you know exactly how things work. Without a doubt. So let's take a look at what's happening in potential new markets that are crucial for your future business and growth. We'll provide you with a clear picture of new technologies, long-term developments, key trends and opportunities in future markets. Tailored to your needs and challenges.



The consumers of tomorrow will think, feel and act differently. And they have different expectations and needs. This is where your future business opportunities are hidden. We identify potential new target group segments and deliver the right insights as precise consumer pictures, tailored to your challenges - as a starting point for new business models, products and services.



You don't have to reinvent the wheel. There are many smart people out there who are working on new technologies, approaches and products that can add value to your core business or solve your future challenges. We provide you with access to the startup community in the tech and food space, give you an overview of interesting young companies, initiate first pilot projects and facilitate corporate startup collaboration programs.

STRATEGY REVIEW: Growth potentials & future perspectives

Looking for a breath of fresh air and new impulses? Let's analyze your Business Model.


Times They Are a-Changin’. That's why it makes even more sense to step back from day-to-day business every now and then to take a look at the bigger picture. And to deal with future challenges.

As part of a Business Strategy Sprint, we reflect on the status quo of your company or business area, identify strategic topics, discover new development potentials, outline possible future scenarios and concretize the direction within a Big Picture. We combine the expertise within your organization with insights from market studies, detailed research, and discussions with customers and experts.



Plan your business - from the idea to the final business model.


Outline your first idea - to communicate, evaluate and test it


Reflect on your future options and ideas with us and develop them into basic sketches. Together we critically review the idea, narrow down the key issues and define the most important parameters and requirements.


First of all, we outline the "big idea" quickly, identify the initial business logic and use cases, assess potential markets, define objectives, KPIs and milestones, estimate the required resources, and consider risks, challenges and success factors. This results in a written document that can be communicated across all levels of the hierarchy and used to evaluate the idea.


Yes, no, maybe? Rapid internal and external feedback for solid decisions.


Together, we address the evaluation from two perspectives. Through moderated workshops with cross-functional teams, we review the developed ideas and options internally. The focus is on technical feasibility and economic viability.


For the external perspective, we rely on initial market feedback and reliable market data through concept tests - in other words: testing product/market-fit without revealing the entire business model. This creates a solid basis for internal argumentation and securing investment commitments.

BUSINESS MODELLING & STRATEGY: Clear strategic direction

Let's rock! With passion, a solid business model and a clear strategy. For a successful entry into a new market, business area, venture or product.


Together, we take a look at the entire business logic - from the specific service offering and value proposition, through target group segments and sales / communication channels, to value chains, key resources and partners.


That's the basis on which we calculate possible sales volumes, prices, costs and earnings, resulting in a solid financial model for investment and ongoing operations. We discuss possible scenarios of economic development and think about how risks can be reduced..


And we do all of this in a structured, efficient manner that is coordinated with C-Level and top management. With a healthy combination of honesty and sensitivity. Because we know that you can't put a figure on everything and that innovative projects are very fragile.


The result is a solid foundation for project implementation - from product development to branding, sales & marketing, and organizational changes.


Develop cool products and services and establish new business units.

CO-CREATION & MVP: Iterative product development

Efficiently deliver new products & services your customers love


Developing products and services is an iterative process. And it starts where it ends: the user.

Our team of experts will guide you through the entire development process according to the Design Thinking principle - from understanding the market requirements, the need structure and the problem of the target group, through idea development using field-tested creativity techniques to the MVP.

We work in interdisciplinary teams and bring together managers and key employees from different departments with trend scouts, experts and designers. And lead users, of course. According to the specific tasks and needs.


The goal: attractive, feasible, marketable and sustainable products. Cool, of course.


MARKET CHECK & TEST SALES: Market feedback

The acid test! Market feedback without any ifs and buts.


Nothing is as efficient and valuable as testing directly on the market. That's why we organize your market feedback. We support you in the production of small series, the selection of test markets and the realization (interviews etc.). We collect valuable feedback from potential target groups as well as experience about marketability, the suitability of distribution channels and the effectiveness of branding strategies, value propositions and communication logics.


The resulting data is collected in a structured manner, evaluated and processed. In workshops, the learnings can be analyzed and used for ongoing improvements.


Establish a new business area within the company. And in the market.


From market opportunity to new business unit - quite an intense journey that often challenges corporates in terms of organization. Especially if the new business unit differs from the core business. After all, new market logics and success factors demand equally new concepts in terms of organization, production, service and sales. And an internal transformation.


Let's get it done together. We provide support in aligning the new business unit in terms of content and structure, securing the necessary resources, sensitizing managers and employees, and successively building the new business unit and establishing it both internally and externally. Following the standards of Change Management.


Get your business right on track and trigger structured growth

GO2 (NEW) MARKET: Strategy, Branding & Sales

Heading straight towards the market - with a precise market strategy, cool branding and strong sales.


Market ready? Excellent. Now you need a clear direction and a strong execution for a quick and precise market positioning. The success factors: a distinctive brand experience combined with an efficient sales logic that enables broad availability to the core target groups.

Branding & Communication
Based on consumer insights and the strengths of the business model, product or service, we develop a clear brand strategy in a structured process - from a unique profile and a vibrant story to a coherent brand architecture. In the implementation phase, we work with a network of specialists and coordinate the precise implementation of the brand. This is how we guarantee target-oriented identity-creating steps - from the appropriate brand design to cross-media and spot-on communication, both internally and externally.

Marketing & Sales
At the same time, we work with key employees to develop a goal-oriented sales logic - from a clear sales strategy and efficient sales structures to optimal support along the customer journey. And we go all the way to the listing and positioning at the POS. Ensuring logistical availability, of course.

SCALE UP & GROWTH: Structured growth

Successful and looking for more? Let's scale!


It's up and running. Now it's time to grow. We support you in identifying growth areas for your successfully launched business model and in further developing your products, services and business areas. And make them ready for new markets.


Together, we rethink organically grown structures and optimize workflows and processes. In doing so, we need to pull the right levers to make the best use of economies of scale - while remaining true to our values. Also in times of growth.

VENTURE & START UP HANDLING: Venturing as a service

Limited time and know-how for venturing? Here we go.


Investing in a startup is on the agenda. But there is a lack of internal time resources and know-how. No problem. We accompany you on the way: from scouting and evaluating interesting start-ups, coordinating the investment process and the interaction with your own core business to ongoing strategic support and continuous reporting to the management. 


And when it comes to setting up your own venture or spin-off, we are happy to assist you as experienced entrepreneurs with our end-to-end venture development.

External support & expertise.
Just as you need it right now.

FYNN as companion

Project as
a service

"Sweat for commission"

"Sweat for Equity"

FYNN as Co-Founder

Project as a service


Go for it. With our support.
Our experts are at your disposal as consultants, sparring partners or active team members. Billing is based on effort. Simple and transparent.



"Sweat for commission"


Shared risk is half the risk.

That's why we make our know-how available to you within a previously defined framework. We will only charge a percentage of our daily rate for our service. The rest is our risk. And if it bears fruit, we charge a success fee.

"Sweat for equity"


We say „Yes“. Let's do this thing together. We become co-founders and contribute our expert know-how in exchange for shares. You have no costs, but a strong partner on board. All-in, hands-on, no excuses!

Project in the making?
You talk. We listen.

Arrange a non-binding meeting now.

Ready for your future business?

Book a free 15-minute Zoom Call with our Managing Partner David. Get valuable expert feedback, new impulses and a suggestion for your next steps!

Seekyou becomes
What remains: smart minds, focused expertise and a passion for the future.
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