Business ideas are something wonderful: they bring momentum to the economy and can also be lucrative for all those who believe in their success - provided the idea is successfully placed on the market and brings clear added value that is rewarded by the customer. That's why we support business pioneers in the structured management of innovative projects - and are passionate entrepreneurs ourselves.
Cool business ideas
are our passion.
Brain beats wallet - or to put it more professionally: Financial resources are very important for an innovative project, no question about it. But the crucial factor for success is know-how. We are convinced of this. Especially when it comes to the crucial phases of project development and market placement. That's why we accompany and support people with forward-looking ideas in the following areas:
- Creating an organizational framework within which the project can be guided on a firm course and resources can be deployed precisely and efficiently
- Visualization of the initial idea through a structured concept and a first prototype - because this shows the potential and makes it visible how potential customers react to it
- Proof of concept, market tests, further development of the product until it is ready for series production - as the basis for a successful launch.
- Development of a sustainable business model, target group-oriented offer structures and an efficient marketing logic - i.e. a script for the project, its added value and implementation
- Acquisition of financially strong investors by using already existing contacts to venture capital pools or via alternative channels
- Market launch, brand and sales development and scaling of the business model
We're looking forward to
your business idea!
And to meet you
in person!
You have an exciting business idea? Great! We are always happy to hear from people who want to make a difference. Just come and visit us. And we'll chat about your project over a good Italian coffee. Just send a short mail to We are looking forward to it!