Successful business models, products and services start in the market. And show their impact there. That's why we offer the expertise to think from the customer to the customer. Everything from a single source.
Our services.
Perfectly adaptable to your challenge.

Workshops & Sparring
up to 2 days
for complicated challenges
Workshop and sparring modules,
also available remotely
Targeted expert knowledge in the form of workshop modules and DeepDive programs for the selective development of specific problem solutions.
Spot-on, efficient and flexibly combinable. Also available remotely.
Individual project support,
concept and development services
Customized expert support for challenging projects - as a sparring partner, active team member and partner in development and concept work.
Discover interesting potential markets with us and get to know existing and potential target groups better.
Our services
- Detection of market and demand niches
- Target group segmentation, profiling and consumer insights
- Buying cycle and touchpoint analyses, experience management
Identifying market and demand niches.
Market developments and changes in buying behavior are something great. They open up new opportunities to develop or improve business models, products and services. Or to enter new markets. That's why we help you keep an eye on trends, market developments and social changes, identify potential opportunities and explore new business prospects.
Target group segmentation, profiling and consumer insights
Whether B2B or B2C - having clearly defined target group segments is the essence of developing products and services. Or to enter new markets. That's why we identify potential target group segments, analyze their lifestyles, needs and expectation structures, as well as their buying behavior. And we draw a precise picture in the form of meaningful customer profiles (personas).
Buying Cycle and Touchpoint Analyses, Experience Management
We analyze and optimize the buying decision process of existing or potential target groups. In doing so, we illuminate the individual steps that a customer goes through before deciding whether to purchase a product or a service. Together with you, we plan the direct and indirect points of contact with your company, product or brand and the associated customer experience. In this way, we make marketing and sales of existing or new business models, products or services even more customer oriented. And more efficient.
Sharpen your business logic with us - from a clear strategy to a sustainable (digital) business model.
Our Services
- Business and market strategy development
- Business model development and review
- Development and support of future projects
Business and market strategy
Yes, times are fast moving. And demand constant further development. That's why it makes sense to take a step back from day-to-day business and look at the big picture. And to align yourself strategically with new market challenges.
In a structured and lively process, we jointly reflect on the status quo of your company or business area, discover new development potential, outline possible future scenarios and concretize the direction in a big picture. In the process, we link the expertise available in the company with findings from market studies, detailed research, and discussions with customers and experts.
And with this solid picture of the future, we then get down to "doing": We look at what impact the future direction we have worked out will have on the existing business model and the individual departments, develop a roadmap for adapting the run business, and derive concrete change projects. Implementation support included.
Business model development and review
Whether it's a product or service idea or a new business area. The key to market success is a coherent, implementable and differentiating business logic that offers customers clear added value and generates sustainable earnings for the company. In short: a solid business model.
And this is where we come in. In a structured and efficiently managed process, we think through the entire business logic together in interdisciplinary teams (executives, key employees from different departments, external experts, etc.) - from the specific service offering and value proposition, through target group segments and sales and communication channels, to value chains, key resources and partners. And derive cost and revenue structures from this.
In the process, we identify risks and challenges and define success factors and framework conditions for implementation on the market. And best of all, we always keep in mind the opportunities offered by digital transformation.
Development and support of future projects
Whether it's a world of experience, a customer center or innovative use of real estate - future-oriented projects give a boost - to a tourist destination as well as to a public institution or a company. The larger the project, the more important the interplay between a promising concept idea, a solid business case and an efficient financing model.Find out here how we approach future projects.
Develop (digital) products and services with clear added value for your customers. And for your company.
Our services
- Design thinking, concept and prototype development
- Product and services design as a service
- Innovation processes and innovation labs
Design thinking, concept and prototype development
Developing products and services is an iterative and dynamic process. And it starts right where it ends: with the user. Because if you understand needs, you can develop offers with clear rational and emotional benefits that solve specific problems. In B2B and B2C.
This is exactly where we come into play. We accompany the entire development process according to the Design Thinking principle – from understanding the market requirements, the demand structure and the problem of the target group, through the development of ideas by means of proven creativity techniques, to the prototype. And its testing.
We work in interdisciplinary teams, linking managers and key employees from different departments with trend scouts, experts and designers. And with lead users, of course. Depending on the task and the demand. The goal is to develop solutions that are not only attractive, but also feasible and marketable.
After successful testing loops with lead users and the finalization of the prototype, we transfer the developed concepts step by step into the daily business. And, if desired, we accompany the go-to-market.
Product and service design as a service
We have practice and valuable experience in identifying market potentials and demand niches. And developing concrete products and services from them. From the idea to the product design, to the start of production. And that's exactly what we offer as a complete service. As an outsourced innovation department. Only in a more cost-efficient way.
Together with our team of experts and creative staff, we take on development and concept work independently. In close cooperation with our clients, we develop ideas for business models, products and services step by step from within the market, develop valid prototypes up to the final solution. And we also accompany the go-to-market.
Innovation Processes and Innovation Labs
Anticipating social developments and market trends and efficiently developing new products and services will be a core competence of every company in the future. Foresight and agility are in demand - and this on top of efficiency-driven and standardized day-to-day business. This requires a lot of effort from companies.
That's why we support you in setting up structures (labs or departments) that have the task of thinking ahead and generating ideas that go beyond pure product improvements out of day-to-day sales. And thus, figuratively speaking, we can bring the company not only to the moon, but to Mars. Furthermore, together with your management team, we define efficient innovation processes that are precisely customized to the structure and strategic objectives of the company. And they work alongside daily business.
Successful placement of business models, products or services on the market.
Our services
- Market positioning, brand and sales
- Organizational setup
- Legal Framework
Market positioning, brand and sales
Successful market positioning combines two factors: a differentiating brand experience and an efficient sales logic that enables broad availability directly to the key target groups.
This is precisely where we come into play. Based on consumer insights and the strengths of the business model, product or service, we develop a clear brand strategy in a structured process - from a differentiating profile and a lively story to a coherent brand architecture. In the implementation phase, we take over the agency management and monitor the precise implementation of the established direction. In this way, we guarantee target-oriented, identity-creating measures - from the appropriate brand design to a cross-media and spot-on communication both internally and externally.
Simultaneously, we develop a targeted sales logic together with the key employees responsible for sales - from a clear sales strategy to efficient sales structures to optimal support in the customer journey. And we go all the way to listing and positioning at the POS.
Organizational setup
New business models, products or services often also mean an organizational shift in thinking. Structures and processes must be adapted to the new challenges, and corporate culture must be re-imagined.
This is where we come in. Together with key employees from different departments, we analyze what organizational impact the introduction of the new business field or the integration of the new product or service will have on the existing overall organization - and what this means in concrete terms for day-to-day business. We define concrete work packages, raise awareness among managers and employees, and support the organizational changes. According to the standards of professional change management.
Legal Framework
Being legally prepared and secured is a strategic competitive advantage - this is especially true in the development of new business areas, products and services and their marketing.
That's why we filter out key legal issues alongside the development and marketing process. Together with the company's internal legal department, these are examined in greater depth and concrete packages of measures are developed. During the implementation phase, we provide expert coaching.
And if the necessary resources are not available internally, we will find and coordinate specialized external consultants upon request. Or we will brief local legal experts who have already been commissioned.